Identification of Reproductive Health Learning Needs for Adolescent Age 13-15 Years by Parents in the GPM Ebenhaezer Congregation - sertifikat_HAKI - Betty A Sahertian - Christiana Demaja Wihelmina Sahertian - 7 Desember 2020.
Christiana Demaja Wilhelmina Sahertian, "Contribution to the Development of Education Learning Design Christians and Budi Pekerti Based on Curriculum 2013 at Private School in the City of Ambon," in ICCIRS - Sertifikat HAKI - 2019.
Christiana Demaja Wilhelmina Sahertian, Strategi Peningkatan Keterampilan Belajar PTK melalui Penerapan Model Assure, Batu: Literasi Nusantara, 2021. Sertifikat HAKI.