Yance Zadrak Rumahuru
Socio-Religious Movement of Religious Affiliated Student Organizations after Social Conflict in Ambon
In the history of many nations, students always pioneer various movements that lead to the changes in society. In the Indonesian context, several important events were led by students, such as (1) May 20, 1908, when students and youth united against the colonists, and became the awakening moment of students, youth and community groups that are now the Indonesian people to free themselves of colonialism.
The description above has pointed out to the following conclusions: first, cadres or members of HMI and GMKI always strive to dominate public spaces on campus through the distribution of their cadres to occupy strategic positions in the body of executive branches or the student senate, even those seniors who are lecturers have structural positions on campus, which in turn can affect campus policies. Second, the activities in the movement of HMI and GMKI have similarities in terms of responding to societal issues, by paying attention to several aspects including socio-religious issues, local political issues and development of post-conflict society.
Journal AL-ALBAB
IAIN Pontianak
Volume 5
Number 2, pp. 251-264
December 2016
2019-05-16 - 07:32:27